A Time to Celebrate – Jackson’s One! *Marshall Family*

The Marshall kiddos have some serious cuteness going on.  Jackson turned one, so a photo session was in order.  We started out with some family shots, moved to individual shots, then some fun with cake as Jackson had his first sweet treat.  Unlike some birthday sessions,  Jackson seemed pretty thrilled with his cake.  However, I believe his favorite thing was giving brother and sister a taste!  Check out our fun time, and if you’re not a fan already, be sure to make my day by ‘liking’ my page!  Happy Monday!fb1fb2fb5fb8fb15fb17fb18fb20fb21fb23fb25fb29fb30fb31fb32fb33fb34fb35fb36fb37fb38

My Girl

Bryndle likes my studio.  Ok, that was a lie.  Bryndle loves my studio.  She always wants to go and take pictures of her and her “precious daughters” (her dolls).  Evidently these photos were meant to be.  She had a random bath mid-day, requested to have picture worthy clothing on, and I had to run a new prop to my studio.  Enter photo overload.  🙂

*There’s 11 days left until Valentine’s Day.  Contact me to get your gift certificate for some lovely photos of your “precious daughters” (or sons, significant others, etc.).  I’m just going to tell it to you straight – flowers die and chocolate makes you fat, but photos are priceless.  🙂 fb6fb8fb9fb10fb11

Nearing the end of our studio fun "Florence" appeared.
Nearing the end of our studio fun “Florence” appeared.



Gibbon Family – So Much Fun!

I had a blast with this family! Jace & Hudson could be child models. The hair, eyes, expressions. Well, just see for yourself! 🙂 If you have a moment to spare, how about ‘liking’ Chatterbox Crative on Facebook? Lesly is super awesome, and you really don’t want to miss out on her creativity! https://www.facebook.com/ChatterBoxCreative fb25fb2fb3fb4fb6fb7fb8fb9fb11fb13fb16fb17fb19fb21fb22fb26

Heather & Gabe

I discovered something while photographing this awesome couple – bitter cold is much easier to deal with when you have a fabulous, easy going couple to distract you.  I told each of them what I expected from them for this session, and wow, did they comply!! Heather did such a good job paying attention to details.   The outfits, make up, vision – all right on target! 🙂 fb2fb3fb5fb6fb7fb8fb9fb10fb11fb12fb13fb14fb15web

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