Rutherfordton Photographer – Senior Session – Jordan Baker

I remember seeing Jordan at church when she was a little girl. It’s hard to believe all this time has passed, and she’s entering her last year of high school! Here’s to a wonderful senior year! fb1fb2fb4fb5fb6fb7fb8fb11fb12fb13fb14fb15fb16fb17fb18fb19fb20fb21fb24fb26fb28fb29fb33

Rutherfordton Photographer – Drum Family

These kids were incredibly awesome. They could all be child models, seriously. I loved the white, pure, fresh vibe we had going. I shared more images than I normally do in a blog, but hey, it’s Monday, and I felt like mixing it up! Their mom creates beautiful barnyard quilts, and frequently hosts workshops. These things are so beautiful! I highly recommend contacting her to attend a workshop!  Just leave a comment on here, and I’m sure she’ll see it and get you set up! Anyway hope you all enjoy this share! 🙂 fb1fb2fb3fb4fb5fb6fb7fb8fb9fb10fb11fb12fb13fb14fb15fb16fb17fb18fb19fb20fb21fb22fb23fb24fb25fb26fb27fb28fb29fb30fb31fb32fb33fb34fb35fb36fb37fb38fb39fb40fb41fb42

Rutherfordton Photographer – My Bryndle

Where do I begin? It’s been a while since I have blogged. I love blogging, and I’ve really missed putting my photos out there for all to see just how much I adore photographing people. There’s something about freezing a moment in time that just makes me so happy that it makes me feel panicky when people confess they’ve not had professional photos done in several years or ever in some cases! I’m serious. It freaks me out! I think one of the worst things that could happen to me would be if I were to lose all my photos of Bryndle. She changes so much in such a short amount of time, and I really want to savor all of it and take it all in. Photographs do that for me. They allow me to engage with her while I capture her doing her daily activities and then again when we plan together what neat ideas we have for a studio or outdoor session. I used to be a little more concerned with getting the “perfect” shot of her in our planned session, but I’ve realized that she’s a kid. She’s four and she’s going to be four when I photograph her.  Isn’t the whole point to capture her personality anyway? I’m letting go of the idea of perfection that’s been painted in my mind, and focusing on truly capturing the moment.  🙂  fbfb2fb5fb6fb123fb15fb122fb124web9webweb5fb12fb13fb14fb127fb125fb162014-06-26_00022014-06-26_0001


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