Headshots – Julie Pittman – Level V Leader Rodan + Fields Consultant

I am super excited to highlight a terrific friend and her amazing accomplishments with top-rated skincare brand Rodan + Fields. Julie Pittman began her R+F journey just a short while ago in February 2015 as a side job to her position of teacher at RS Central. In just over 2 years with R+F, she has earned recognition on several occasions. Julie was recognized for her work in the company’s Lead the Way program for growing her business and customer base, achieving the highest level in that year’s Lead the Way earning her an all-expenses-paid trip to the R+F convention in Austin, TX. Not stopping there, Julie also earned a $1000 Nordstrom shopping spree, as well as a Kate Spade purse and wallet after reaching milestones within the company.
Here’s what Julie had to say about R+F :
“I work R + F as a side job to my job as a teacher, wife, and mother. It’s fun to do work as a virtual entrepreneur and see how it makes a difference in my family’s life. We are able to offer so much more to our kids because of this business – both of our eight year old girls are competitive dancers and we use this business to help support them.”
Of course I had to find out what specials she has to offer now. 🙂
“Now – October 31: I’m offering a free Essentials Body Lotion or Sunless Tanner to new preferred customers, and free mini-facials to any new business partner to help launch their own business. Our convention is coming up in October, and R+F will be unveiling a new product, so stay tuned for more specials.”
Definitely get in touch with Julie for your skincare needs! She can assess your skin to see what products will be best for your particular needs, and give advice on how to maximize your results. I have yet to try a product I didn’t love, and will not go without the Muti-Function Eye Cream. Seriously ladies, if you don’t have this in your skincare arsenal, you’re definitely missing out.